Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Major revision to Anabar's Run

I know I rushed Anabar's Run when I published it as an ebook. I had too many errors, and I know a writer establishes credibility by writing clean, error-free pages.

Now that my summer break has begun, I have the time to take a close look at the book and to fix the problems I found. They are mostly typos, but I am fixing a few details as well. I am confident readers will enjoy the story much more  after I clean it up. Thanks to those who already bought Anabar's Run. I will also scrub Anabar Rises and make it as good as I can.


  1. Revision, revision, revision! That's the name of the game! Thanks for your thoughtful comments on my blog re: To CBS or not to CBA - it is a hot topic, for sure. I thought I was already following you, but apparently not . . . so I've rectified that situation. :)

  2. Hi Tracy,

    Thanks for your comment. I just finished revising both of my books, and while I was not very happy with myself for leaving so many errors, I enjoyed digging back into my books, and I'm confident they are much improved. Still, I know that one can never revise enough.

    The CBA debate/discussion is very interesting, and I plan to keep following it.

